03 9315 3577

Phone number

Sunshine West

90-92 Boundary Rd

Opening Hours

M-F 7:30-4:00 SAT 8:00-11:30

dRop it off

Our 5 Reasons

1. Our drive thru undercover drive thru facility keeps you protected from natures harsh elements.
2. We trade direct to local and international consumers and smelters which means we can pay you more!
3. Not only are we legally obligated to operate in a safe and healthy working environment – we believe in it – for our customers and our staff.
4. Our staff understand the importance of your custom and we will be genuinely happy to see you!
5. It’s our goal to have you unloaded and paid in the safest and fastest way possible – our promise is to never stop trying to make that happen.

Our Compliance

Our buying practices comply with the ‘Scrap Metal Industry Code of Compliance’ as set by the ATO.

For further information regarding the code click on the button below.

Our Prohibited Items